How to Create a Pull Request to a Repository in GitHub

How to Create a Pull Request to a Repository in GitHub


What is a Pull Request?

A pull request is requesting an owner of a repository (which we have already forked) to accept the changes we made and commit them to their repository - the original repository

How to Create A Pull Request

1. Fork the Original Repository

First of all you need to fork your own copy of the original repository.
With GitHub it is quite easy to Fork. All you need to do is to goto the page of the repository, click the Fork button on the Top Right Corner, and it'll do the task for you.

2. Create a new Pull Request

To create a new Pull Request, click the Green Button 'New Pull Request' as in the figure below

Then under the Compare Changes paragraph, click 'compare across forks'.

Then select from which branch you need to create the pull request.

That's it! Now the original owner of the repository can merge and accept your pull request

If you come up with any questions, shoot them out in your comments.. (y)

Happy Coding!


Ishan Madhusanka is a dynamic developer, with a great enthusiasm in Web and Mobile Development. Eventhough he is a developer, he has this awesome creativity at its apex which helps him to polish up the UI/UX aspect of his products

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